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Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
Master Admissions offers professional admissions consulting for graduate school applicants for students from all over the world! We have lived in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, London, Russia, South Africa, New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, and have a true global outlook. Together we can make your MBA application exceptional!

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January 18, 2014

As I embark upon my MBA journey at UC Berkeley Haas, I realize that working with Betsy and her team  was the smartest and the most life-changing decision I could have ever taken. They will make you think hard about your goals, your aspirations and make you understand yourself much better. They will ask you so many insightful questions that while digging deep inside for those answers, you will discover yourself and your story and your essays will gain a concrete shape and an authentic voice. I had never thought that applying to a b-school could be such an enlightening process,but they make sure that every bit of interaction is an enriching experience.

Everyone I talked to had told me that essays are the toughest part of the application. But with Betsy and her team, the tough part never showed up. They have a magical way in which work seems fun, and before you realize it, the end product is ready to go, in its best form. Their way of working would keep me charged as the questions and suggestions would go beyond mere B-school candidacy and delve more into a self-realization process where we tried to find who I am and what I wanted from life.