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Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
Master Admissions offers professional admissions consulting for graduate school applicants for students from all over the world! We have lived in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, London, Russia, South Africa, New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, and have a true global outlook. Together we can make your MBA application exceptional!

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January 18, 2014

Working with Betsy was a fun boot-camp experience. I’m a procrastinator by nature so she kicked my butt a few times when I was too lazy to work. She was very straight forward about my written essays, when something was junk she didn’t let me hear the end of it! She really helped me figure out and put together my story when even I myself had no idea how impressive it really was. Some essays I had to revise 7 or 8 times before they were perfect. Her turnaround time was scary fast, sometimes I wondered if she ever left her computer. For my last school I only had a week to do the essays however Betsy was very accommodating and worked hard with me to get it perfected by the deadline. It must have been my best set of essays yet as I ended up receiving admission and a partial scholarship to a top 10 ranked MBA program.