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Application Tactics for the MBA

Master AdmissionsChicago Booth Application Tactics for the MBA

Application Tactics for the MBA

So much going on – coaching first-year students at Stanford Graduate School of Business on their Critical Analytic Thinking papers, advising applicants for Round 1 & 2, planning an essay-writing workshop for the Harvard Alumni Club. It’s exhilarating.

So instead I will turn to my favorite admissions blogger, Rose Martinelli, Director of Admissions at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She reports that it does pay to apply ahead of the deadline at Chicago Booth. That does not mean that it is true in the case of all schools; HBS reps have mentioned that they do not look at anything in advance of the final deadline.

If you are curious about how your top-choice school reviews the applications, there’s no harm in asking. Just email the admissions office, or send a question in advance of one of their many chats, and you’ll likely get a response.

Here’s Rose:

I’d like to address why you might want to consider applying prior to any of our Round deadlines. Since my team will begin evaluating applications at least one week prior to each application deadline, those applications that are submitted (and are considered complete with all required application parts) will be queued up to enter the evaluation process ahead of those submitted on the deadline. This means that you will hear back from the admissions committee regarding the interview process well ahead of those who wait to apply on the deadline, giving you ample time to plan whether you wish to visit campus for the interview or schedule an interview locally with an alumnus/a.

While the deadline for Round 1 is October 14, the deadline refers only to the last date that we will accept applications. So for all of you A-types that are accustomed to getting your work done well in advance of its due-date, I hope this provides you with an incentive to click submit when you’ve finished rather than wait until the deadline. Happy application writing! Rose

Rose Report

Meanwhile, take a look at some of HBS Admissions Director Dee Leopold’s answers to recent questions. (Bearing in mind that the October 1 Round 1 deadline has passed.)

HBS Admissions Blog

Feel free to email me if you have any questions of your own about b-school applications. –Betsy